Implementation / Training

The Overture implementation process starts with our Needs Assessment. This is a critical stage that accomplishes the following goals:

A series of deep dive sessions aimed at understanding and documenting process flows of the employer's current operating environment both procedurally and systematically. All areas of the employer's operation that are related to the use of the Overture system and procedures will be discussed and documented in detail.

Once the current process flows are mutually agreed upon, we will analyze where API requirements are, and Overture will take the required steps to reach out to those vendors to understand and coordinate all of the technical details involved.

During the needs assessment process, Overture, in concert with the employer, will identify specific system configurations that are required for the successful implementation of the system. At the same time, Overture will identify system or process gaps and outline the required actions to close those gaps to everyone’s satisfaction. Our clients enjoy the fact that any reasonable system development requirements that arise out of the gap analysis are implemented by Overture at no charge if the requirements are fundamentally sound for the ongoing development of the platform.

Once the current operating environment and system process flows are in place, and the API requirements have been vetted with the employer's other vendors, Overture will then produce the new operating environment system and process flows addressing every aspect of the day-to-day operations environment for the employer.

Once this step is complete, Overture will bring up the employer-configured system instance and begin the training program for each employer identified. After this initial training, Overture and the employer focus in on who the onsite employer “train the trainer” individual/s are and then proceed to provide additional in-depth training accordingly.

Once there is consensus between the employer group and the Overture team, the system goes live. Once the system is live, the Overture team continues their real-time oversight and assistance on an ongoing basis to ensure mutual success.

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