GPS Realtime Scheduling

The Perfect Balance of Traditional and GIG Economy Scheduling to Fill All Your Shifts:

Discover the perfect balance between traditional scheduling methods and Gig Economy Scheduling with Overture's unique scheduling solutions. The Overture platform offers a versatile range of scheduling options, in the form of single shift, multi-shifts, and encounter shifts while at the same time allowing its users to assign shifts to individuals (traditional scheduling) or place shifts up for claim (Gig economy scheduling) by your authorized candidates. When these different scheduling techniques are used in harmony through the easy-to-navigate color-coded master scheduling dashboard, you will witness maximum shift fill rates and on-time shift show rate percentages at incredibly compelling rates.

The system informs you whether your staff will be on time for their shift coverage starting one hour before the shift start. GPS tracking turns off once the individual checks in for their shift. For certain positions such as travel, security, and others, the employer can adjust GPS tracking times to cover the duration of shifts to help provide a safe working environment for their employees.

The Overture system allows you to systematically backfill individuals who are going to be arriving too late to be effective for their shift day schedule.

Use the GPS-powered scheduling process to react quickly to your immediate staffing needs

With GPS tracking, employee arrival times are reported starting 1 hour before their shift begins. This real-time arrival time reporting function allows employers to plan for a late arrival or to systematically remove a person from a shift and replace them instantaneously with another individual so that all shifts are covered with authorized top performers.

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